Frankenstein XX

“I pray you listen and take heed.”


Frankenstein XX was a design-heavy show that called for close collaboration within all creative leads to produce a captivating visual display that brought new light to Mary Shelley’s horror classic. The costume design itself called for cleverly styled costumes that gave life to each character while also blending seamlessly into the larger aura of the show as actors propelled the story in ensemble scenes. The final design emphasized the sombre mood of the play while remaining timeless, setting the characters in an undistinguishable era and world that is familiar but just different enough.

Written by Genevieve Atkins
After Mary Shelley
Directed by Helena Dixon
Set Design - Grace Ulrich | Lighting Design - Georgie Wolfe | Makeup Design - Cat Cowie
Monash Uni Student Theatre 2017

Photography by Aleks Corke


Dirty Words


Nihang - ATAMA